Interested in difference or commons between panels?
You can see it here!
Easy to create (less then a minute) multy window multy query form that supports any number of MDX queries from different cubes, databases and servers including local cubes;
Result form is table or graph;
- OLAP parameters per panel
- OLAP parameters per dashboard
- copy&paste members from one panel to another panel
- copy&paste panels
- join panels (Union)
- find difference between panels (Except)
- find common members between panels (Intersect)
Each panel supports all available table and graph operations:
- drills (up, down trough), multiple drills
- exceptions (hot-spot analysis)
- isolate member or group
- isolate best N or worst N members within column
- isolate best N% or worst N% of members contribution within column
- order by hierarchy
- order ba alphabet
- isolate members bigger or lower then cell value
- add-remove members
- add-remove dimensions
- add-remove filter
- add calculated measures directly at the result table
- order by hierarchy or breaking hierarchy
- hierarchize
- Functions over Axis or Dimensions (Top ... , Bottom ..., Filters, Head, Tail)
- subtotals, sorting, sums, ranks, percentages in set and series, differences, averages
- ability to display one measure or all measures at the graph