On-line access to corporate data
Each and every user of data-warehouse system can get any information about sales and supplies at a given moment. The situation prior to the implementation of the data-warehouse required a set of actions to be performed to accomplish a given task. Users would give tasks to their IT department, which then prepared reports. Making these reports could take several days. IT department usually spent 7 to 8 hours to complete more complex task and now a user can interactively get most of the information in few moments without the help of IT department.
Lower TCO for IT department
Company's IT department became overloaded with the way they were working so the new system cut down human resources needed to accomplish the very same tasks. Most of the time, IT specialists were involved with preparing and analyzing reports, nevertheless they had to watch out when they were doing those tasks so they would not overload their production system. Now, every user has interactive access to data-warehouse databases and IT specialists are primarily maintaining data-warehouse system and educating users so they could all be even more efficient.
Enhanced load-balancing of server resources
Previous approach put a significant stress on production servers, which reduced overall performance. As amount of data grew, all more sophisticated tasks that had to be done on the database, would be done after working hours or over night when production database was not under stress. The new system uses existing resources and covers all processes that are using complex queries so the production database is at less pressure. This way, a part of production system load is transferred to data-warehouse system that is working simultaneously with the production system.