SoftPro Tetral  CubePlayer    Preuzimanja  
Before you start

In order to be able to dowload, you have to login as a registered user. By clicking the link CONTINUE below, two links will appear. Click on appropriate one (Login or Register) and continue as it guides you through the download process.

Please, do not forget to apply the latest update once you finish installation. Only with the latest update applied you will be able to use all the features of CubePlayer presented in this site.

CubePlayer update file (zip) is distributed as one package that works as update for all  (2.0, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 Mamba) versions of the product. Features enabled depend only on the license provided.

Thank you for reading this. Now you can continue with the download process.

CubePlayer Free Trial
Informacije o preuzimanju
Naziv proizvoda: Oreus CubePlayer 2.7 Mamba (x64)
Izdanje proizvoda: Enterprise Edition (Trial 2.7)
Trajanje licence: 15 (dana)
Opis proizvoda:
Oreus CubePlayer 2.7 Mamba covers a wide area of functionalities in a single, highly intuitive user interface. Through its innovative use of various features, It allows all kinds of users to analyze OLAP data in a natural, user-friendly fashion and achieve a superior understanding of the underlying business processes.


Installation Instructions

To see list of prerequisites and to learn how to install CubePlayer go to

CubePlayer Installation page

CubePlayer Help & Manuals

User Manuals (v. ENG)
                       (v. HR)

Help  (v. 2.5/2.6/2.7/2011.1015 ENG)
          (v. 2.5/2.6/2.7/2011.1015 HR)

Important note: After downloading the help file please unpack it and then copy .chm file to the root application directory
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